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Roll Cast

There are several ways to recharge our tail and bring this energy released by the fly at a distance. In normal Overhead Cast is done by the weight of the stretched string after the discard. Another possibility is to charge the rod, to make use of the surface tension of the water. As with the Overhead Cast the Roll Cast in two active and two passive motion phases phases can be divided, with always a passive active follows: The starting position for the roll cast fly line is stretched before us. The arm and the rod show in the horizontal position at the end of the line and the fly. 

Step 1

The rod is slowly pulled and placed, until it stays there in a position of 95-105 degrees to our original horizontal position next to the body. Thus, a large part of the string is removed from the water and it forms a slight bow string behind the tail. To achieve this effect, the working angle of our tail should be relatively steep.

Step 2

This phase distinguishes the roll cast very clear from most other litter types. At the overhead cast we wait in the first passive phase, until the string is stretched and our tail charges, to then move in the opposite direction. That is, the second phase is time-limited and requires a certain dynamic, since the cord or the tail is always in motion. Since the line during the back cast is quiet but with the front part on the water, we have little time restrictions. 

The forward movement is so unlike the overhead cast from a persisting position! Therefore, the back cast will not count towards the dynamic casts. 

Step 3

From this persisting position, the tail is now pushed away from the body, keeping in mind that we turn not leave the vertical and the horizontal plane of our union movement as the Overhead Cast. The surface tension of the water the line ahead is greatly slowed down and charged through this resistor the rod. 

The establishment and discharge is of course much shorter than in dynamic casts, which is also reflected in the casting distance. By a return to the cord hand you can speed up the cord as in the double move naturally and in addition a few meters distance to win.

Step 4

Even at the Roll Cast we finish the third phase with an "active stop", which now introduces the fourth (passive) phase. By this stop the cord unwinds to the front. Depending on the height of the rod tip at the stop pulse and direction she does this in the air or on the water. 

The Roll Cast is also very easy on the string hand side, ie "backhand" to perform. The tail stops by the anatomically limited radius of action of the casting arm in the optimum position at the end of the first phase. Unfortunately, this also often causes a departure from the litter layer in the forward movement, but that can be fixed quickly by watching the rod tip and the web. 

Please also note the Roll Cast, the various actions of the rods. Faster, more rigid rods are suited by their short length of movement for this litter of course better, especially for inexperienced people and beginners.

Video demonstration Roll Cast

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